Our Travels

February 7, 2010

Unpacking... and more unpacking

All of our stuff was delivered last Tuesday. Oh happy day! After a month of traveling plus being here for 3 weeks it's very nice to have our belongings again. I think it's helping Keenan adjust as well.

A few days before everything arrived Keenan and I were looking at pictures on the blog. Keenan pointed to the pictures, which were taken in our apartment in Kyiv, looked at me with a sad face and said "I want to go back to that home." Awwwwww. Yes, I felt bad for uprooting him yet again. I tried explaining to him that all of his toys and stuff would be here soon, as well as Sierra. Then I reminded him that home is where his Mama is!

So back to unpacking... unpacking while 7 months pregnant plus having 2 sets of stairs in the house equals no fun! I'm pretty sure the first few days I climbed up and down those darn stairs a few hundred times. My legs were even a bit sore, not sure if that's a sad indicator of how out of shape I am or a good indicator that I'm getting a good work out in???

Keenan was very pumped to say the least whenever he would spy anything of his. "Oh, look mom, there's my scooter" Oh, there's my cars!" "Oh, there's my drums...

Almost a week later we've made quite a bit of progress but still have quite a bit of work to do.

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