Our Travels

January 11, 2011

Trying to crawl

Van has been a little slower with the whole crawling business, which is completely OK by me since we have yet to babygate the stairs and babyproof the house but I don't think it's going to be much longer... He is able to get around fairly well usually an army crawl but here he is trying the moving business on all fours.  We already hear "Mommmm, Van's grabbing my toys!" from Keenan.... I think he's in for a rude awakening  when Van really gets moving around!

He immediately fell after the picture below.

 Yesterday I had Van in his activity center trying to keep him busy while I was on the computer.  He's so big and bounces around so much he's able to move the activity center all over the place.  He was pretty excited about the lamp pole, it made such a neat noise when he shook it against the wall.

1 comment:

Mom said...

He looks so dang cute and happy!