Our Travels

October 21, 2012

What potty training in 2012 looks like...

Van has been very uninterested in the whole potty training business.  I guess he figures his system works; he messes his diaper and I change it.  Maybe, just maybe some of this is my fault.  I'm just not as gung-ho about   it either.  I remember how much work it was with Keenan and frankly I'm just not excited about cleaning up that much pee and poo at the moment.   He is the second child...

I've been trying to encourage Van to sit on the potty and to tell me when he has to pee.  Usually he will tell me "pee-pee", pat his diaper then run away.  Occasionally I can get him to sit on the potty...with bribes.
Yup, he is sitting on the potty while watching a cartoon on the ipad...  Awesome parenting skills, I know...

1 comment:

Laura Olson said...

I don't know how you do it without bribes! We used chocolate chips in our house, and it still took a long long time for the potty training to sink in. I don't envy you!