Our Travels

April 17, 2008

Yeah! We have a TV again.

Yeah! We finally received our airfreight! Keenan has clothes that fit him again. Yeah, this is like Christmas! We have more clothes, toys, movies… a TV! Our car is next to arrive and hopefully someday the rest of our belongings will show up! Keenan was going crazy as we were trying to unpack, he would go from box to pile seeing what he could get in to. So far his two favorite things are he activity center that he received as a Christmas present from Gramma Louise and Grampa Ed and a magnetic refrigerator musical toy. They both make a lot of noise and better yet they keep Keenan occupied for a few minutes! I was actually kind of liking not having a TV, I found myself being more productive and not watching mind numbing reality shows. On the other hand it is much nicer to watch movies on an actual TV instead of a laptop computer. You might be wondering what kind of TV stations that I get here. Right now we only get AFN (armed forces network) it is limited but it’s in English!

Keenan loves playing peek-a-boo now. He likes to hide behind the curtains and in-between the wall and the refrigerator there is a big enough space for him, as soon as he pops his head out and sees me he gets a big smile on his face and giggles. I love it! His other favorite thing is feeding our dog Sierra anything and everything when he is sitting in his high-chair. He thinks it’s the funniest thing when Sierra licks his hand. I’ll be trying to get dinner ready and there Keenan is just laughing away in his high chair with Sierra right beside him licking up every crumb that he passes her way.

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