Our Travels

February 5, 2014

Trying to get caught up again - seems to be my theme...

Wow, I can't seem to get my ducks in a row with this blog since returning to the states- over a year ago!  I don't even really have a good excuse!  Just busy doing other things I guess. 

I will add in pictures to fill in the last few months hopefully soon.

Van- Van started speech therapy back in November maybe, we go every other Wednesday for only a half hour but it seems to be helping.  We make a morning out of it.  We usually go do a few errands around town then grab an early lunch to take and eat with Keenan at school.  Keenan's class eats lunch at 10:45 am- so early!  Wednesday is also "icecream day" in the cafeteria and Keenan is sweet enough that he'll buy both him and Van ice cream cards :)  I have really been enjoying this, it's been fun to get to know the other kids in his class.  After lunch Van goes with the speech teacher while I hang out in the school's office and read.   A lot of Van's speech issues have revolved around getting him to slow down while he's talking since he liked to run the whole sentence together and in the process cut out a good portion of the sounds.  His favorite saying " I trying!" - whenever I ask him to do or stop doing anything.  ie. "Van stop chasing the cat!" "I trying, mama!" as he keeps chasing the cat...

Van also loves going to "play place" aka daycare.  He's really opened up.  When he first started going he wasn't saying anything, he just sat there and played by himself :(  As parents we questioned if it was the daycare- did we need to switch, did he need to go more or less...  Thankfully he has decided he likes it and is doing well.  He knows his letters and numbers and tests well (yes, they do testing).  He now sings all the time and I do mean ALL the time.  He likes to sing his ABC's, Old McDonald, Wheels on the bus, Bah Bah black sheep, row row row your boat... the kid likes to sing and dance.  He is turning into a way bigger goofball as well.  We have to watch ourselves very closely because if we laugh or smile when he says or does ridiculous things then we can't get him to stop... 

Keenan- seems to be liking 1st grade.  He is in the top of his class in most areas.  He has spelling and reading homework almost EVERY night as well as math at least once a week.  Add in Taekwondo and now basketball and it feels like a really full schedule.  I try really hard to not schedule myself to work when he has basketball so that he's not going from afterschool taekwondo to basketball.  Ist graders and basketball is hilarious and frustrating.  They look like cute little frogs and your constantly yelling- just shoot, just dribble, just do something!!  Around Christmas time he received his green belt which means he can start sparring!  We've been waiting for this since we moved here!  Unfortunately, this taekwondo place wants everybody to look the same which meant we had to buy a lot of new sparring gear :(  We needed blue head gear and matching blue hand and foot guards.  Thankfully the chest protector was close enough! 

Me: 7 months after moving here, I'm still trying to figure out the work/life balance.  I love only working three days a week but dislike the 12 hour shifts, nights and holidays.  I was scheduled to work both Christmas and Christmas eve but at the last minute someone wanted my Christmas for their new years eve (bad mistake on my part, new years eve was a mess starting after midnight)  and when I showed up to work on Christmas eve we were overstaffed (that NEVER happens) and I was the only one who wanted to go home.  I mostly enjoy the fast pace of the trauma ICU but really dislike when the younger people dying :(  it really gets to me.  After 5 years of not being in the ICU its amazing how much stuff I've forgotten, it's so frustrating.  I question my decision to return to critical care constantly. 

Eric- helped coach Keenan's football team and is now the coach of his basketball team.  I guess he figured since we have to take him to practice and games might as well...  I think he's been enjoying himself.  Eric is also on a weekly bowling league to keep things busy. 

And their adorable Fall school pictures! 

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